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JDLA Deep Learning Certificate Exam for GENERALISTS

Dear future envisioning students,

A chance to differentiate yourself as a future prepared candidate!
JDLA Deep Learning Certificate Exam for GENERALISTS to be held online on 2021/1/30 (Sat.) 2-4pm
ENTRY OPEN UNTIL 2021/1/27 (Wed.) 5pm

The world is evolving exponentially with AI driven innovations, and for you to take an active part in such future making of the world, having a good understanding of AI, particularly of Deep Learning technologies, is becoming more and more vital regardless of geography and profession you choose for your future.

Establishing and proving your AI/Deep Learning knowledge will empower your thriving and propelling in landing on an exciting job and making successes in your career.

Japan Deep Learning Association (JDLA) has hence developed an 2-hour online certification exam (226 multiple-choice questions), “G-Certificate (Deep Learning for GENERALISTS)”, for engineer/non-engineer people to test and prove their capabilities to use their Deep Learning knowledge in practical business situations.

It is an industry/academia/public sector endorsed certificate exam taken already by 47,375 people in Japan (as of 2020/12) and has been taken up by various Japanese corporations as a part of their corporate training curriculum for their engineers and non-engineers. Having the certificate as a job candidate is becoming a strong appeal to many companies recognizing how powerful it is to have such talents in their teams.
Now, the test has become available in English.

Exam Date&Time: 2021/1/30 (Sat) 2pm-4pm (JST) online
ENTRY OPEN UNTIL: 2021/1/27 (Wed.) 5pm
Special coupon code for students: Ep26dNKBBXAq (US$50→US$40)
Special coupon code for non-students: Ul9cGkzf0d7k (US$100→US$90)