Enjin Inc. では、日本での就職を希望する外国人留学生や外国の方をさまざまな形でサポートしています。12月8日と12月15日には、日本での就職を希望する外国人留学生を対象に、日本での就職活動に関する支援セミナーを開催いたしました。今回のセミナーは日本語が流暢でなくても気軽に参加できるように全て英語でおこないました。


【Report】All-English Job Hunting Support Seminar for International Students
Enjin Inc. provides support in various forms for international candidates looking for job opportunities in Japan. On December 8th and December 15th, we held an all-English support seminar on job hunting in Japan for international students.

The Japanese job hunting process, compared to other countries, is very particular. The specific steps taken in the Japanese job-hunting process are often difficult for international candidates to understand and get accustomed to, which may hinder their process of landing a job in Japan. While international candidates may find it difficult to demonstrate their competency in an unfamiliar job hunting process, many Japanese companies are looking for skilled international candidates to play an active role in their company.
In this seminar, we provided information to aid international students land a position in companies with a demand for international candidates. Specifically, we delved into the Japanese job-hunting schedule overview along with how to self-evaluate and do company research, which are some of the first starting steps in the Japanese job-hunting process. Following input on the seminar contents, we held a Q&A session in which participants were freely able to ask any questions they may have had or anything they found difficult to understand during the seminar.
Following the seminar, a survey on participant satisfaction was conducted. All participants highly ranked their satisfaction.

Some positive comments left by participants:
“The information was very useful, especially the Q and A session where I and other students could receive many further details about the job-hunting process.”
“The speaker was straightforward and covered every aspect of the seminar in a wonderful way.”
“The presenter provided relevant and useful information.”
In future seminars, we hope to cover specific aspects of the job-hunting process such as the Japanese culture of interviews, what Japanese employers look for in international candidates, how to write an entry sheet, and how to dress and present yourself during interviews.
Job hunting support seminars conducted in English are hard to come by, so we hope this seminar was able to help many students get an image of how they should job hunt in Japan and what steps they should take in the upcoming months. If you would like to be notified of upcoming seminars, please contact us and we will put you on our mailing list!
To companies looking for skilled and intelligent international candidates, we have a network of job seekers who would greatly appreciate the opportunity to speak with you. For more information, please feel free to get in touch with us!