NEWS お知らせ





・JLPT N3レベルの会話力を養う





【University of Indonesia】
Japanese conversation class was established

From March 5 to 26, a Japanese conversation class was established for Japanese language course students of the University of Indonesia.

The purpose of this Japanese conversation class is
・ To develop JLPT N3 level conversation skills
・ Career education for the students.

The students are learning about Japanese language, society, and culture at the university. We expect the students to enhance the quality of their study in university by providing an opportunity of practical Japanese communication and by acquiring higher conversation skills. Also, the topics of the conversations are related to their future career. In Indonesia, it is common to start looking for job after graduate from university, so the career education is not integrated there yet. Therefore, one of our aims is to cultivate students’ career mind which is to think back about their past career and connect it to their future. Students enjoy the conversation class and in the class we consider that we all are Japanese people so that the students are talking much more positively. We are going to support them with full-power at the few left classes.

The participants are the members of a student organization named “JAC(Japan Academia Club)”. JAC is the multinational organization of students studying Japanese and we manage and support their activities. There are three branches of JAC, aside from Indonesia, JAC also established in Myanmar and Vietnam. The students who are interested in Japan join JAC and they do some activities related to employment to Japanese company such as visiting Japanese company in their countries or learning Japanese business manners.