前編をご覧になられていない方→ https://company.enjin.world/job-hunting/job-hunting-aptitudetest-1/
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1. 適性検査のテスト形式
2. 適性検査の種類
3. 適性検査対策方法
1. 筆記試験(マークシート受検)
2. テストセンター(パソコン受検)
3. インハウス(パソコン受検)
4. WEBテスト(パソコン受検)
- SPI3
- 玉手箱
GABは受験方式により名前が変わり、筆記試験(マークシート式)はGAB、WEBテストはWebGAB、テストセンターで受検するものはC -GABと呼ばれています。
Continuing from the first part, the second part of this series will discuss the aptitude tests that are part of the hiring selection process in Japan.
In this part, the format of the aptitude tests, popular types of aptitude tests, and how to prepare are explained in detail.
If you haven’t seen the first part of this article: https://company.enjin.world/job-hunting/job-hunting-aptitudetest-1/
Table of Contents
1. Test format
2. Popular types
3. Preparation
Test format
Until some time ago, testing using the mark-sheet format was the only format used, where you had to go directly to the venue to take the aptitude test. After taking the test, the answer sheet was collected, and a machine would read and analyze the information.
However, nowadays, there are a variety of test formats. It is important to understand the new formats and check which format the company you are applying to will use for the aptitude test.
There are four formats. The following is an explanation of the written test (mark sheet), test center (computer-based test), in-house (computer-based test), and web test (computer-based test).
1. Written Test (Mark sheet)
With the mark sheet, you answer questions by filling in the correct bubble. In most cases, the company providing the aptitude test provides the questions and answer sheets. Scoring is done in two ways, either by the Human Resources Department or the company providing the test.
2. Test center (PC-based test)
The company providing the aptitude test prepares venues around the country and conducts the aptitude test there. The test takers go to the venue and take the test using a provided computer at the venue.
3. In-house (PC-based)
In-house testing is a type of computer-based testing in which the company prepares a test room and computers and conducts the aptitude test there.
4. Web-based test (PC-based test)
This is a form of aptitude test conducted on a computer at home. This format has advantages for both the company and the test taker, and more and more companies have been adopted in recent years. Since the test taker does not need to go to the test site in person, the test taker can take the test regardless of where they live and have relative freedom to when they choose to take the test. This also has the advantage of reducing costs and time for the company.
Popular Types of Aptitude Tests
There are more than 25 types of aptitude tests, but in this article, we will introduce a few popular types that many companies have adopted and explain their characteristics.
The following five types of tests will be introduced in this article.
- SPI3
- Tamatebako
SPI3 represents aptitude tests as the most popular aptitude test in Japan.
The test subjects are a personality test (about 30 minutes) and a basic ability test (verbal/nonverbal) (about 35 minutes), and sometimes an English test (about 20 minutes) and a structural comprehension test (about 20 minutes) are added.
Tamatebako is often used as a home web-based test, and is the second most famous aptitude test after SPI.
Tamatebako is characterized by two things: the short amount of time provided for each question, and the fact that only one type of question continues to be asked in the same format throughout the whole test.
Tamatebako is produced by a company called S.H.L. This company also produces other tests such as the GAB and CAB format, and the Tamatebako test contains questions in the similar format as the GAB and CAB tests. Therefore, by preparing for the Tamatebako, you can also prepare for the GAB and CAB format tests.
The test subjects include language (logical reading: 15 minutes / judgment of purpose of reading: 10 minutes / understanding of purpose of reading: 12 minutes), mathematics (inverse calculation: 9 minutes / chart reading: 15 minutes/ table guessing : 20 minutes), English (logical reading: 10 minutes / long reading: 10 minutes), and personality.
The GAB is an aptitude test provided by S.H.L., the same company as the Tamatebako. While the Tamatebako is designed to determine general basic abilities and personality, the GAB is designed specifically to measure newly graduated career-track employees.
The name of the GAB changes depending on the method of taking the test: the written test (mark-sheet type) is called GAB, the web test is called Web GAB, and the test taken at a test center is called C-GAB.
The test is divided into Language, Mathematics, English, and Personality, and the subjects vary depending on the test type.
【GAB】: Language (25 minutes) / Mathematics (35 minutes) / Personality (about 30 minutes)
【Web GAB】: Language (25 minutes) / Mathematics (35 minutes) / Personality
【C-GAB】: Language (15 minutes) / Mathematics (15 minutes) / English (10 minutes) / Personality (20 minutes)
The CAB is a recruitment test for computer positions such as SE, programmer, etc. Therefore, it is basically used by IT companies that hire SEs, programmers, etc.
The test subjects are divided into two categories: Ability 【Four Rules Inversion: 9 minutes / Lawfulness: 12 minutes / Table of Instructions: 15 minutes / Cryptography: 16 minutes】 and Personality (20 minutes).
In recent years, this test has been implemented by many famous companies. The difficulty level of the test is extremely high, and this test asks many questions that other test forms do not. It is a test that requires preparation, so if it is given by the industry or company you want to apply to, you should prepare well before taking it.
There are two types of question formats, the conventional format and the new format, and each has its own difficulty level and question range.
The test subjects for both the new model and the traditional model are language (old model: 12 mins. / new model: 7 mins.), mathematics (old model: 18 minutes / new model: 8 mins.), English (15 minutes), and personality.
The time for each test subject differs between the new and conventional models, so make sure to check beforehand.
Next, we will introduce three ways to prepare for the aptitude test. Take the method that suits you best!
① Reference books
There are many reference books published every year for each type of aptitude test.
If you know the type of web test you are going to take, we recommend you to buy a reference book corresponding to it.
Most bookstores sell them, so take a look at the contents of the reference book and buy the one that you think will suit you best.
② Apps
Recently, apps are also available to help you prepare for web tests. Try it out in your spare time when you don’t have a reference book on hand.
③ Take the aptitude tests of other companies
If you know the type of aptitude test of the company you are applying for, one way to practice is to take an aptitude test of another company that uses the same type.
If it is the same type of aptitude test, you may be asked the same or similar questions. Also, by taking the test several times, you can get a feel for the format of the questions.
In order to get used to aptitude tests, it is a good idea to take tests from other companies as practice!
In this article, we have explained in detail the different types of web tests and how to prepare for them.
It is not necessary to prepare for all of the types listed here, but we hope that this article will help you understand the tests that are used by the companies you are screening for and help you prepare for them.